are you tonedeaf? well you can test it with this nifty little flash app... good luck!
1. chocolates - who wants vegetables anyway?
2. coffee - i'm not addicted i just need to stay awake till the mix is right
3. pen and paper - where all good ideas start
4. my phone - annoying when it rings, frustrating when it doesn't
5. music - because my life is a movie and i need a soundtrack
6. my guitar - because a rock god is nothing without it ;)
7. my sneakers - they witnessed - almost - all my adventures
8. ctrl+z - because even i can make a mistake ;p
9. my macbook - i just don't want to record with anything else
over the years, i've heard people refer to ''studio magic'' as if there is some sort of magic knobs the engineer/producer can do to make everything sound great. in the end, people make recordings... not machines... not gadgets. so, much of the tone of the drums, bass, guitar and vocals is within the musician themselves. don't believe me? hit the drums and try to make them sound bad! intentionally make your guitar sound bad just by the way you are playing. it's not difficult to make an instrument sound bad. obviously, the better the player, the better tone they can get out of it. for example: Dave Grohl on a kids drum set.