i don't know about you but when i started recording i didn't have a clue what to set the compressor to when i
record a specific instrument. here are a few guidelines.
note that these are the settings for
recording an instrument, so you don't want to squeeze the hell out of your signal. you just want to tame the peaks but still leave enough
dynamics for the mixing stage.
guitar/bass: set the ratio 4:1 and adjust the threshold until you get a gain reduction of about 10db on the loudest parts.
drum overheads: set the ratio 6:1 and adjust the threshold until you get a gain reduction of about 20db to 22db
on the loudest parts. you can use the same settings for the snare and toms. (if i record the drum set i always use the
recorderman technique) and then put a mic on the snare and bass... just in case.
vocals: set the ratio 4:1 and adjust the threshold until you get a gain reduction of about 6db on the loudest parts.
mix bus compression: set the ratio 2:1 and adjust the threshold until you get a gain reduction of about 2db on the loudest parts.
attack and release: my hardware compressor doesn't have knobs for these but if yours does i'd say use your ears. you don't want the attack to kill the transients and you don't want the release holding it too long or not long enough, depending on the application and source. so use your ears.
note that the above are just a few guidelines - so tweak to taste but remember to leave enough dynamics for the mixing stage.